Hi, I’m Netta.

And since you’ve landed on my page, you’re likely an entrepreneur looking for a little help with marketing your business.

Whether you’re just getting started, or looking for ways to make things finally click, you’re in the right place.

So come on in, get comfy, and let’s grow together.


It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

Spending hours attempting to market your business, but nothing changes.

No likes. No engagement. No subscribers. No Sales.

I’ve been there before. Countless late nights and early mornings throwing things at a wall and praying that they stick so that I could quit my corporate 9-to-5 and finally bet on myself.

Today, I’m a serial entrepreneur who’s grown a community of 10,000+, sold my services to Fortune 500 companies and startups, and constantly generates multiple six-figures in revenue.

But getting here took work. I’m here to teach you the things I wish I’d known early in my entrepreneurial journey so that you can reach your goals quicker.

Ready to replace guesswork with a marketing strategy that actually works?


Download my latest freebies and kickstart your small business marketing journey.

Meet Netta

I'm a marketer teaching entrepreneurs and small business owners (like you!) the strategies to increase awareness and sales for your business.

I started my career in communications and advertising building social strategies and campaigns for multi-million dollar brands.

I've also spent almost a decade as an entrepreneur running my own multiple 6-figure small business, building a community of 10,000 professionals, and establishing partnerships with Fortune 500 companies.

All this means is that, I truly understand exactly what it takes to leave a cozy job with a bi-weekly paycheck, take a leap of faith with no idea what the future holds, and build a profitable small business that truly changes your life.

If you’ve been thinking about entrepreneurship, you’re in the right place.

Let’s Grow Together


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