Finally, Emails Your Customers WON’T Want to Delete.

Get my proven, easy-to-implement plan to help you increase your brand awareness, build a direct line to your target audience, and turn them into paying customers.

If you’re new to email marketing, you’re probably thinking…

What do I say in these emails?

How often do I send them without getting on my customers nerves?

Are people even going to read them?

Trust me, you’re not alone.

In fact, these are the most common questions I receive…

Here’s the truth: while email marketing can feel overwhelming for most busy, small business owners, it is the most effective marketing channel — boasting a 42% conversion rate.

That means almost-half of the customers you email are likely to purchase from you!

Say it with me now — cha-ching! 🤑

By ignoring your email marketing strategy, you’re leaving money on the table.

So let’s face it head on.

Join the waitlist today and be the first to purchase when the cart opens on July 18th!

What to Expect in the Course

This course is your shortcut to mastering email marketing and turning those ignored newsletters into powerful sales machines.

Learn what makes an email excite customers enough to pull out their credit cards and how you can automate the process to free up your time.

Focus on what matters — family, friends, or that dream vacation — knowing your email marketing is working for you in the background.

  • This module introduces the basics of email marketing, covering essential concepts and tools needed to start a successful email campaign.

    Lessons include:

    • Understanding Email Marketing: An overview of email marketing and its significance.

    • Choosing the Right Email Marketing Platform: A guide to selecting the best platform for your needs.

    • Building and Managing Your Email List: Strategies for list building and maintenance.

    • Email Marketing Regulations: An overview of legal compliance.

  • Dive into the art of crafting engaging and effective email content that resonates with your audience.

    Lessons include:

    • Crafting Compelling Subject Lines: Techniques to increase open rates.

    • The Anatomy of a Successful Email: Breaking down the components of an effective email.

    • Visuals in Emails: Using images and design to enhance your message.

    • A/B Testing: How to test and refine your emails for better performance.

  • This module covers advanced strategies to enhance engagement and conversion rates through targeted and personalized email campaigns.

    Lessons include:

    • Segmentation and Personalization: Tailoring your message to different audience segments.

    • Automated Email Funnels: Setting up automated emails for efficiency and effectiveness.

    • Integrating Email with Other Marketing Channels: How to create a cohesive marketing strategy.

    • Analyzing and Optimizing Your Campaigns: Understanding metrics and using data to improve.

  • Focused on businesses selling products/services online, this module teaches how to leverage email marketing to boost online sales and customer loyalty.

    Lessons include:

    • Creating Promotional Emails: Best practices for sales and promotional campaigns.

    • Cart Abandonment Strategies: How to recover lost sales through email.

    • Loyalty and Reward Programs: Using emails to foster customer loyalty.

    • Seasonal and Event-Based Campaigns: Crafting emails for holidays and special events.

You ready?

In this course, you'll go from feeling frustrated and confused about email marketing to feeling confident and in control.

Are you ready to…

🚀 Increase sales and revenue? Turn your email list into valuable customers.

🚀 Improve customer engagement? Build stronger relationships and brand loyalty.

🚀 Enhance brand awareness? Stay top-of-mind with your target audience.

🚀 Save time and gain resources? Learn efficient email marketing strategies that work.

🚀 Make data-driven decisions? Ditch the guesswork and spend more time on what works.

Then this course is for you.

Here’s What Other Small Business Owners Are Saying…


  • Absolutely! Email marketing boasts a high return on investment (ROI) compared to other marketing channels. It allows for direct communication with your customers, fostering loyalty and driving sales.

  • Absolutely! The Email Advantage is designed for busy entrepreneurs. We offer bite-sized video lessons you can learn at your own pace, along with actionable strategies you can implement quickly. While email marketing may feel overwhelming now, it automates communication, saving you time in the long run.

  • Yes! The course focuses on user-friendly platforms and provides clear instructions. We'll guide you through choosing the right platform and walk you step-by-step through creating effective email campaigns.

  • This course teaches you list-building strategies to grow your audience organically. You'll learn how to capture leads through your website, social media, and other channels.

  • The course dives deep into crafting compelling subject lines and email content that resonates with your audience. You'll also learn A/B testing techniques to optimize your emails for better open rates.

  • The course offers general email marketing principles, but also includes a dedicated module on e-commerce email marketing great for anyone selling any product or service online. You'll learn strategies specifically tailored to maximizing sales and customer engagement within your industry.

  • Yes! The Email Advantage goes beyond the basics. You'll learn advanced techniques like segmentation, email automation, and data-driven analysis to refine your campaigns and boost their effectiveness.

  • The course comes with access to a supportive community of learners and direct access to me. You can ask questions, share experiences, and get ongoing guidance throughout your email marketing journey.

  • The course is designed for flexibility. You can learn at your own pace, with the video lessons being bite-sized and easily manageable for busy schedules.

  • While we can't guarantee specific results, The Email Advantage equips you with the knowledge and skills to create successful email marketing campaigns. Additionally there’s a 14-day money back guarantee. So, if the course isn’t right for you, you’ll receive a full refund within 14-days of purchase.

Meet your instructor

Hi, I’m Netta...

…and I’m your new, favorite marketing coach.

I'm really passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow. Why? Because I’ve been in your shoes.

I’m a serial entrepreneur who knows all about the late nights, imposter syndrome, declining faith in what you’re building, and confusion on why things just aren’t going how you planned.

That was until I cracked the code and turned my first company (a diversity consultancy platform called Minorities in Media Connect or Mimconnect) into a $500K+ revenue-generating machine with an email list of 10,000.

Not to mention, I had Fortune 500 companies dying to work with me. And, because of the impact I was making, I was named one of Adweek's Women Trailblazers, featured in Forbes and Fast Company, and had a McDonald's-sponsored television commercial. (Yes, I use the latter as my claim to fame.)

But in all seriousness, that’s the type of success that happens when you know your audience, market effectively, and build an irresistible product or service that truly drives the results your customers want and need.

In this course, I use my 10+ years of marketing experience and everything I've learned as a serial entrepreneur to break down the fundamentals of email marketing (without the jargon and techie-language) to help busy entrepreneurs like you understand how to use it to drive sales in your business.

So, if you're ready to stop throwing things at the wall, hoping they stick, I'm your person.

Let's grow your business together.



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